This guide is has been written to help the lovely humans who purchased our Stainless Steel Sprouting Tray Set to successfully grow delicious nutritious and super healthy sprouts with ease from the comfort of their own homes. That said, the method is completely transferable across all tray sprouters on the market... Even the plastic ones. We're just stoked your growing your own and hope you find this helpful!!

This tray sprouter is by far our favourite utensil for easily sprouting organic seeds at home and in our opinion is the best on the market. Manufactured from premium quality polished 304 stainless steel this modular, robust and simple to use seed sprouting set is hygienic, dishwasher safe, food grade and easy to clean. Its drainage and versatility is excellent, allowing you to grow any sprouting seed, legume or grain as a sprout or even as a microgreen with ease! It also looks fantastic in any kitchen design!
Growing sprouts has to be by far the absolutely easiest method to start growing your own. No green thumb required! All we need for a successful harvest are good organic sprouting seeds, good hygiene and a few short days! .It that simple. The more of our diet we can grow at home the better it is for our health and the environment!

Not all seeds are equal, ensure you source your sprouting seeds from reputable dealers. Seeds for sprouting have been handled and stored in a strictly food safe manner, they have an extremely high germination and purity rate and have been microbially tested in an accredited laboratory for nasties such as e-coli, listeria and salmonella. Further more your seeds should always be "untreated" of any poisons such as fungicides or biocides! You can buy great organic seeds for sprouting here.

For best results we pre soak our sprouting seeds. There's no hard and fast rule here however aim for around three or four hours of soak time for the smaller seeds and radishes and overnight for the larger peas and beans. Add seeds to the mesh tray until around two thirds of the mesh have been covered in a single layer of seeds, then tip into the bottom soak drip tray and fill to the top with clean room temperature water.

Sprouting seeds at home is a safe, fun and enjoyable way of adding wholesome raw food to your diet. To keep it this way simply wash your hands and equipment with a soft sponge and environmentally friendly dishwashing detergent before you begin to sprout. Our seeds are lab tested and we follow strict HACCAP procedures whilst packing, all you have to do is ensure there is good hygiene in the sprouter and any equipment (or hands) used in transferring the seeds there. Our Stainless Steel Sprouter is dishwasher safe making the clean up even easier.

Now your seeds are hydrated and awake from dormancy we need to transfer them up a level and into the sprouting chamber.
Hold the mesh tray over your sink and simply pour in seeds and the soak water. Its important her to give your seeds a really good rinse under your tap to get them nice and clean. Nothing wrong with a good thirty or forty second shower here. They may bunch and clump together after the rinse which is just fine.
Believe it or not this is the last step and your almost there! Told you sprouting seeds was easy! You've tipped the soak water and seeds through and into the mesh tray and given them a really good rinse. Now we drain.
Hold the sprouting chamber/ mesh tray in both hands and vigorously shake the drips out over the sink. Go gently on the ups but shake the tray quickly downwards coming to a hard and fast stop forcing as much water out as possible. We find it best to do this with the tray on a bit of an angle, anything up to 45 degrees is great.
Once we have removed as much water as possible place the mesh tray above the soak/drip tray and install the lid. (If you are using two plates rather than the whole set simply place a plate above and below the sprouting chamber).
The bottom tray catches the drips, keeping your work surface dry and tidy and the lid keeps the humidity high which your now sprouting seeds will love! Repeat the rinse and drain twice daily until you have a tray full of ready to go sprouts!

Harvesting, like all processes with this seed sprouting tray is so simple and user friendly. It really is the easiest method out there!
Simply tip your sprouts out into a clean dry container. The when to harvest varies from seed to seed as well as to your preference and taste but generally your sprouts will be ready in two to four days of being in the sprouting chamber.
Should you be using this set to grow microgreens or wheatgrass remove the lid once the seeds have sprouted and leave for 7 - 10 days then cut with scissors to harvest. Discard the seeds and roots.
No fresh produce likes to be stored wet, in the fridge or otherwise. Do everything you can to dry your sprouts as best you can. You can use a salad spinner, or pat them dry with kitchen towels. Store your fresh organic living sprouts in an airtight container in your fridge where they will happily last a week. We find it handy to label each harvest with a date and which variety it is and as always apply the "smell" rule of common sense - If in doubt them leave them out!

This seed sprouting tray is as easy to clean as it is to use. Simply wash all components before and after use with a soft sponge, hot water and an eco friendly soap, or place in the dishwasher. The robust construction is far superior to other metal and plastic sprouters on the market and wont end up in land fill. We guarantee it for defects and breakages for life. The stainless steel material is very resistant to rust however if any tea staining occurs simply scrub it away with toothbrush and toothpaste which actually a nice, gentle and obviously safe polish to use. Apply tooth paste to a soft rag and rub in a circular motion to polish the mesh or larger sections of the stainless steel body. The guarantee does not cover rust as the above simple maintenance will prevent any problems.